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Announcements for the week of 9/3

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

  1. Sparring Gear — Bring sparring gear to class this week, make sure you have a mouth guard.  You can not spar without a complete set of protective equipment
  2. TKD students that missed stripe testing last week or missed Belt testing — Mr. O’Neill will do make up stripe and belt tests Wednesday and Thursday this week during regular class times.
  3. Friday Forms Class — 6 pm to 6:45 pm, recommended for all students
  4. Friday Sparring Class — 6:45 pm to 7:30 pm, recommended for high green belts and above belt testing this month
  5. Leadership Team — Saturday 11 am to Noon
  6. Demo Team — All members practice Saturday 10 am to Noon.  If you have not tried out but still want to join Demo team please come to the Saturday practice to be evaluated.
  7. Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Journals — Students are required to turn in a RAK journal for each belt test.  Pick up a RAK journal on the beige cabinet by the front desk.