Announcements for the week of 12/9
Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy
Sparring Gear — TKD yellow belts and above with their own sparring gear please bring sparring gear to class this week, make sure you have a mouth guard. You can not spar without a complete set of protective equipment. We will also have the Saturday sparring class too at 10:45 am.
Students that missed stripe testing last week or missed Belt testing — Check with Mr. O’Neill to see if you are eligible for a make up this week.
Little Ninja and Tiger Stripes — Focus (Red Stripe) and Control (Green Stripe)
“Winter Wonder” Recognition Cards — The following students earned recognition cards for their great effort in class last week
Isaac, Zaiden, Jesse, Allessandro, Colton, Sebastian, Olivia, Egor
Leadership Team — No meeting this week
Demo Team Practice — Saturday 11:30 am to 12:30 pm