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Announcements for the week of 12/16

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

Toys for Joy — Please drop off new and unwrapped toys for needy families in Anoka no later than Tuesday December 17th

Board Breaking Week — Focus is the key to breaking, just like focus is the key to getting good grades at school

Little Ninjas & Tigers — Monday /Tuesday is Balance (Yellow Stripe) and Wed/Thurs Coordination (Brown Stripe)

Demo Team Practice — Saturday 11:30 am to 12:30 pm

  • We will also work on Bo staff, sword and nunchaku
  • Optional bonus tournament bo staff is from 12:30 to 1 pm

Leadership Team — Meeting this Thursday from 6:55 pm to 7:40 pm

Black Belt and Hapkido Street Self-Defense — TKD Black belts and Hapkido students can wear regular clothes to class this Wednesday and Thursday during the 7:40 pm class

Week #1 “Winter Wonder” recognition cards — The following students earned recognition cards last week and should get them in the mail this week

  • Oliver, Brayden, George, Phoebe, Jacob, Tucker, Ella, Zoey