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Premier Karate Summer Bash Party - Saturday, June 29

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

Fun — Games — Prizes — Snacks — Safety Tips

What:  Parents can enjoy a night out for quiet dinner or a movie while  their kids experience games, contests and prizes.  Snacks will be served and attendees will learn important summer safety and child abduction prevention skills.

Who:  All current and past Premier Karate students, siblings and friends

Ages:  Five and up.  Attendees will be split into groups based on age.  Parents of younger students are encouraged to stay for the first part of the party to watch the Steel Proof Master movie on children abduction prevention skills.  Teens will role play being movie critics that critique an old self-defense movie.  Then they will use their critique to create a movie...

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June Little Ninja and TKD belt test date and time correction

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

We apologize for the confusion, some test information letters were handed out with the wrong test date or time. The correct June test dates and times are the following:

  • Little Ninja's - Friday June 28th at 6 pm
  • TKD - Friday June 28th at 7 pm
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Announcements from June 20 to June 22

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

1) The new Premier Karate summer T-shirts are here
2) Friday night forms class at 6 pm
3) Friday night sparring class at 6:45 pm
4) No leadership team meeting this weekend
5) Demo team small groups will be at their usual times

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Academic Achievement Awards (AAA)

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

Premier Karate students can earn AAA patches to put on their uniforms for having  the following academic accompklishments:

  • A average (gold star)
  • B average (red star)
  • Improved grades (blue star)
  • Special academic achievements (green star).

Students bring in your report cards to see if you earned a AAA patch

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Announcements for June 5th through 9th

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

  1. Sparring Gear — Bring sparring gear to class this week, make sure you have a mouth guard. You can not spar without a complete set of protective equipment
  2. TKD students that missed stripe testing last week or missed Belt testing — Please talk to Mr. O’Neill, Mr. Maag or Ms. Carik
  3. Friday night forms class - 6 pm to 6:45 pm
  4. Friday night sparring class - 6:45 pm to 7:30 pm
  5. Leadership Team — Saturday from 11 am to Noon
  6. Poom & Black Belt Test — Friday, June 14 at 6:30 pm
  7. Demo Team — See...
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