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Weather Announcement for Tuesday and Wednesday

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

Hello, just wanted to clarify the weather impact on the school since my last post was imcomplete.

Weather Announcement for Tuesday & Wednesday - Due to the expected bad weather Tuesday and Wednesday, Premier Karate will be open but will be closing early. The school will be closing at 7:30 pm those nights. Students that normally attend the 7:30 pm class should come to the 6:45 class instead. We are trying to balance the needs for the students to have good outlet to burn off some energy from being home all day from school and to make sure our staff are not on the roads later in the evening for their safety.

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Announcements for the week of 1/28

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

  1. Weather Announcement  -  Due to the expected bad weather Tuesday and Wednesday the close will be open but will be closing early.  The school will be closing at 7:30 pm those nights.  Students that normally attend the 7:30 pm class should come to the 6:45 class instead.  We are tyring to balance the needs to have good outlet to burn off some energy from the Anoka/Hennepin schools being closed and to make sure our staff are not on the roads later in the evening.
  2. Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Journals — Students are required to turn in a RAK journal for each belt test.  Pick up a RAK journal on the beige cabinet by the front desk.
  3. TKD & Hapkido Stripe Testing — Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday during regular...
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Announcements for week of 1/14

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

  • Board Breaking Week — Focus is the key to breaking, just like focus is the key to getting good grades at school
  • Black Belt Street Defense — Black belts can wear regular clothes to class next Wednesday & Thursday
  • Friday Forms Class — 6 pm to 6:45 pm, strongly recommended for all students belt testing this month
  • Friday Sparring Class — 6:45 pm to 7:30 pm, strongly recommended for High Green belts and above testing this month.  Also recommended for sparring team members.
  • Demo Team and Sparring
    • Varsity — 9 am to 10 am
    • JV—10 am to 11 am
    • Sparring — 11...
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Announcements for week of 1/7

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

  1. Sparring Gear — Bring sparring gear to class this week, make sure you have a mouth guard.  You can not spar without a complete set of protective equipment
  2. TKD and Little Ninja students that missed stripe testing last week or missed Belt testing — Make up stripe and belt tests will be held at 11 am on Saturday 1/12 and 1/19.
  3. Poom & Black Belt Pre-Test  — Friday 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  Check the Pre-Test slides on this TV to see when you are eligible to do your Poom or Black Belt Pre-Test.
  4. Demo Team
    • Varsity — 9 am to 10 am
    • JV — 10 am to 11 am
    • Sparring —11 am to 11:30 am
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Stripe and belt test information

Andover Premier Karate & Martial Arts Academy

1) The next Little Ninja belt test will be Friday, Jan. 4th at 6 pm.
2) The next TKD stripe tests will be Wed. 1/2, Thurs. 1/3 and Sat. 1/5.
3) The next TKD color belt test will be Friday January 4th at 7 pm

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