The draft list for the October belt test has been posted by the attendance card rack and under the school logo at the front of the school. All students should check the posted roster this week before we finalize the belt test roster for October. When checking the draft list, note the following:
White belts, if you have 1 black stripe and are not on the lift
Talk to Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Maag or Ms. Olson right away.
Color belts, if you have 3 black stripes and are not on the list
Talk to Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Maag or Ms. Olson right away.
If you are on this list, but do not have 3 black stripes
You may have missed a stripe test, need more time at this belt, or there was a computer glitch. Talk to Mr. O'Neill, Mr. Maag...
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